
The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine found more than 97.6 million people worldwide live with Deafblindness through analysis of census data.

The incidence of deafblindness is slightly higher in women than men. 

0.2% of global populations experience severe deafblindness. 

Huge challenges are thus presented.

Governments called upon to improve future data collection. 

Educationally children with Deafblindness are seventeen times less likely to be in school than children without this disability.

In the UK 60% of people with Deafblindness report experiencing psychological distress, while only 5% said they had access to mental health services. indeed only 16% of mental health services in the United States had appropriate procedures in place to support deafblind clients.

The census data shows people living as deafblind individuals are more likely to be living in poverty. 

In terms of socio-economic  status families with deafblind members are more likely to be in the bottom 40%.

Interestingly, countries with high incomes, such as the United States (18.9%) and Ireland (25.9%) people with deafblindness are statistically less likely to be employed than others with different disabilities.